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Job requirements for multiprocessor jobs

In HPC it is very common to have many processing elements working on a job. The extra processing power can be utilised to process large problems beyond the capabilities of a single processing element. It can also be used to swiftly perform many calculations within a single job submission.

Terminology around nodes, processors, cores, tasks

There is a lot of structure within modern HPC equipment. For the purposes of this user guide we will stick to the following terminology:

Term Explanation Number on COSMOS
Node A physical computer/server in a compute cluster over 200 standard CPU nodes
Processor This denotes a multi-core processor, housing many processing elements 2 per node
GPU This denotes a NVIDIA/AMD co-processor. Can be used for both computing as well as graphics none on CPU nodes
Socket This is the “plug” the processor gets plugged into. Used as a synonym for the processor 2 per node
Core Individual processing element 48 per node
Task This is a software concept. It denotes a process, which is an instance of a running program. It has its own data and instruction stream(s). It can fork multiple threads to increase the computational speed. Serial programs and pure MPI programs do not spawn threads. User controls in job script
Thread This is a software concept. A thread is a stream of instructions executed on the hardware. It is part of a task and shares resources such as data with other threads within the same task. User controls in job script

Outline: Resource requests for multiprocessor jobs

When running multi-processor jobs on the LUNARC clusters, one should specify:

  1. The number of nodes required by the jobs
  2. The number of computational tasks per node
  3. The number of threads spawned by each task

For a pure MPI job or when processing a large number of serial jobs in a so called task farm, one will typically only specify items 1 and 2, while for a threaded job, using e.g. OpenMP or Java, one will typically only specify items 1 and 3.

It is typically not advisable to have the product of items 2 and 3 exceeding the number of cores per node, which is 48 for COSMOS compute nodes. In most cases, users requesting multiple nodes will want the product to equal the number of cores per node. The syntax for how to control nodes, tasks per node and threads per task is explained below.

Specifying the number of nodes required for the job

In SLURM one requests the number of nodes for a job with the `-N option. The following statement requests four nodes for your job:


Important: without using either the --ntasks-per-node or the --cpus-per-task options of sbatch, this will reserve a single core per node, so four in total, which is most likely not what you want.

Specifying the number of tasks per node

Use the --ntasks-per-node of sbatch to specify the number of tasks you require per node. For most multinode jobs this will be set to the number of cores available per node. The following example asks for 48 task per node:

#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=48

This should be used together with the -N option, specifying the number of nodes to be used. The default value for the number of tasks per node is 1. For example to specify the requirements for an MPI job with 80 tasks or a multiprocessor job using 192 processors to process a larger number of serial jobs one would specify

#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=48

When using fewer than 48 tasks per node and you want to prevent other users’ jobs from sharing your node, you need to consider using the --exclusive option. If --exclusive is not specified, SLURM might place other tasks onto your node(s). When specifying --exclusive your project will be charged for all the cores of the nodes you utilise.

Specifying the number of threads for a shared-memory job

If you want to run shared-memory applications using threads, e.g. OpenMP parallelised code or Java applications, you need to specify the number of threads you require per task. This can be done with the --ntasks-per-node option of sbatch.

For a standard shared-memory program, which doesn’t also use distributed memory programming models such as MPI, one is restricted to a single node. On the requested node, one can request as many threads as there are cores on the node. On the standard COSMOS compute nodes one can efficiently use up to 48 threads. Use the following resource statement:

#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=48

If your program is only efficient at a lower thread count, you may want to use e.g.:

#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4

if you only want to use four threads.

Resource statements for hybrid programs using distributed and shared memory

So-called hybrid programs, using both distributed and shared-memory techniques have recently become popular. For example: for a program utilising 48 MPI tasks, each task spawning 4 OpenMP threads one would require 4 nodes and place twelve tasks on each node. The number of threads per task is given by `--cpus-per-task. The resource statement would look as follows:

#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=12
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4

Specifying the number of cores to be required by the job

In special cases, such as using very unusual numbers of tasks, the -n option of sbatch to specify the number of cores might become useful. When running a pure MPI program this option corresponds to the number of tasks required for your program. The following statement in a job script would reserve 94 cores for your job

#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=48
#SBATCH -n 94

Author: (LUNARC)

Last Updated: 2023-01-31