Using installed software
Hierarchical module naming scheme
Starting with the Aurora service and continuing with COSMOS, LUNARC uses a hierarchical module naming scheme. Hierarchical modules ensure that the correct shared libraries are available when running an application while keeping the screen output of standard module commands such as module avail manageable.
Hierarchical naming scheme concept
When logging into the system, you only get access to those modules that do not require any special dynamic libraries. After loading a compiler module you obtain access to those packages that have been built with that specific compiler and depend on its shared libraries. For many compilers, this will include one or more matching MPI libraries. After loading an MPI library additional software packages, depending on this pair (compiler & MPI library), will become available. Users should take note that in many cases loading an MPI library is required for software that doesn't depend on it.
Using Modules
The module system uses the Lua-based Lmod software.
Loading packages
The command
shows the modules that can currently be accessed. The output will look similar to
--------------------------------- /sw/Modules/modulefiles/Core ---------------------------------
-------------------------------- /sw/easybuild/modules/all/Core --------------------------------
Bison/3.0.4 gompi/2015b
EasyBuild/2.5.0 gompi/2016a (D)
EasyBuild/2.6.0 (D) icc/2015.3.187-GNU-4.9.3-2.25
GCC/4.9.3-binutils-2.25 icc/2016.1.150-GCC-4.9.3-2.25 (D)
GCC/4.9.3-2.25 iccifort/2015.3.187-GNU-4.9.3-2.25
GCC/5.3.0 (D) iccifort/2016.1.150-GCC-4.9.3-2.25 (D)
GCCcore/4.9.3 ifort/2015.3.187-GNU-4.9.3-2.25
GNU/4.9.3-2.25 ifort/2016.1.150-GCC-4.9.3-2.25 (D)
Java/1.8.0_72 iimpi/7.3.5-GNU-4.9.3-2.25
M4/1.4.17 iimpi/2016.01-GCC-4.9.3-2.25 (D)
binutils/2.25 intel/2015b
flex/2.5.39 intel/2016a
foss/2015b intel/2016.01 (D)
foss/2016a (D) zlib/1.2.8
-------------------------------- /sw/lmod/lmod/modulefiles/Core --------------------------------
lmod/6.0.24 settarg/6.0.24
In this example, you can see modules and versions located in 3 directories. Any of these modules can be accessed directly. To obtain access to the software inside e.g. the toolchain module foss/2016a
one loads the module by issuing
Many modules will load several modules, which they depend on. As the output from module avail version 2016a is marked as the default version, the command
would have the same effect unless the default changes, which it may do, if- You load a module
- The LUNARC team installs another version of the software
So if you require a specific version, the LUNARC team strongly recommends not relying on defaults, but explicitly specify the version you are after.
To see what modules you have currently loaded, use
In a hierarchical module naming scheme, the command module avail is not as useful as it is in a flat module naming scheme which LUNARC deployed on earlier services. In many situations module avail resulted in the desired action, one has to use the module spider command which is described in the text below.
Purging the loaded modules
Many modules will load a number extra of modules, which they depend on. When unloading a module, these dependencies will typically not be unloaded. For that reason, we currently recommend using
when loaded modules are no longer needed. You would then start loading the modules required for the next task you need to accomplish from scratch.
Searching for all software packages
In practical use, the command module spider is key to searching for packages in a Lmod-based hierarchical module naming scheme. To get an overview of the software installed, simply type:
at the command prompt. This will create an output similar to:---------------------------------------------------------------------
The following is a list of the modules currently available:
Autoconf: Autoconf/2.69
Automake: Automake/1.15
Autotools: Autotools/20150215
Bison: Bison/3.0.4
Boost: Boost/1.58.0-Python-2.7.9
CMake: CMake/3.2.2, CMake/3.3.2
Cube: Cube/4.3
EasyBuild: EasyBuild/2.5.0, EasyBuild/2.6.0
FFTW: FFTW/3.3.4
GCC: GCC/4.9.3-binutils-2.25, GCC/4.9.3-2.25, GCC/5.3.0
GCCcore: GCCcore/4.9.3
GLib: GLib/2.42.1, GLib/2.46.0
GNU: GNU/4.9.3-2.25
GROMACS: GROMACS/5.0.4-mt, GROMACS/5.0.5-hybrid
Searching for a specific package
If you are looking for a specific package and have an idea of what its name might be, you can give this as an argument to module spider. This argument is case insensitive.
Example: Accessing a Gromacs version
For example, when looking to run Gromacs:
You obtain output similar to:
To find detailed information about GROMACS please enter the full name.
For example:
$ module spider GROMACS/5.0.5-hybrid
This tells you that the multi-threaded version 5.0.4 and the hybrid version 5.0.5 are installed. If you want to use the version 5.0.5 issue the command:
You get the following output
GROMACS: GROMACS/5.0.5-hybrid
This module can only be loaded through the following modules:
icc/2016.1.150-GCC-4.9.3-2.25 impi/
ifort/2016.1.150-GCC-4.9.3-2.25 impi/
This lists the modules you have to load before accessing Gromacs. In this case, you have two options, we choose the first option. We load
After which we can load the GROMACS-installation:
Loading this module will load several additional modules required for GROMACS to work.
Example accessing R
This is another example of how to access a specific software package. This time we want to run the statistical software package R.
One gets:
Other possible modules matches:
GCCcore GROMACS SuiteSparse cURL fixesproto fontsproto ...
To find other possible module matches do:
module -r spider '.*R.*'
To find detailed information about R please enter the full name.
For example:
$ module spider R/3.2.1-bare
If we are interested in version 3.2.3, we do a
next and get the following info:
R: R/3.2.3
Other possible modules matches:
GCCcore, GROMACS, SuiteSparse, cURL, fixesproto, ...
This module can only be loaded through the following modules:
GCC/4.9.3-binutils-2.25 OpenMPI/1.8.8
The output states the two modules that need loading to get access to this R version. We issue
and have access to R.
Working with a standard set of modules
Many users of the LUNARC systems conduct similar tasks for many days, e.g. using the same pieces of software on different sets of data. In this case, users should consider creating user collections of modules. Working with user collections is a better alternative to e.g. adding module load statements to e.g. your .bashrc file.
Creating and restoring user collections
To create a user collection load the modules required for the task at hand. The command
would then store the currently loaded modules as a default collection. Alternatively, you can create a named collectionwhere you can choose any name you like as collection-name.
The module system will remember whether a module was loaded as default (no version specified) or whether you loaded a specific version. If you include default modules, the contents of your collection will change whenever the default changes.
When one restores a collection, this has two effects:
- Unloading/purging all currently loaded modules
- Loading all modules included in the collection
To restore your default collection
A named collection can be restored as followsEnquiring about user collections
To get a list of all user collections you have created use the sub-command savelist:
The sub-command describe shows you the modules included in the collection
If you want to remove a collection from your list:
which actually renames the collection in a way that it would no longer show with module savelist, but recovery of the collection is possible.
Lmod cache
To improve the performance of the module spider command, lmod caches the entire module structure of the system. The system cache, holding info about the modules installed by the LUNARC team, is updated, every time the LUNARC team installs new software.
Searching for modules graphically
It is also possible to browse the module tree and select the module using a graphical user interface. This interface can be launched from the command with the ml-browse:
Author: Joachim Hein (LUNARC)
Last Updated: 2022-10-06