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Frequently asked questions - Jobs

What is the maximum job time on LUNARC resources?

We allow batch jobs to ask for up to 168 hours, which is 7 days.

How do I run an interactive application

LUNARC supports interactive HPC. You need to connect to our system via the LUNARC HPC desktop. Inside the HPC desktop you can use the Desktop on-demand to start your application.

How do I specify a project or reservation

Users with membership in multiple projects have to specify the project name and in some cases a reservation. This is explained in our batch system guide.

I want to use the COSMOS GPU nodes

Please review our batch system guide for the required modification to your submission script. The software guide provides an overview on Compiler, Cuda and MPI support for the GPU nodes.

Can I prevent my job from restarting in case of a node failure

By default the SLURM job scheduler restarts jobs in case of e.g. a failing node. This is not always desirable. Adding a line

#SBATCH --no-requeue
to the header portion of your job script prevents this behaviour.

Authors: Joachim Hein (LUNARC), Rebecca Pitts (LUNARC)

Last Updated: 2024-08-06