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Multiple serial jobs

When you need to run many serial jobs, similar to the ones described above, these should be bundled together and submitted to the job queue in a small number of submissions or even a single submission. With SLURM is perfectly reasonable to run several hundred individual jobs in a single submission. To speed up the processing of your jobs, you can ask for the cores from a number of nodes. The concept is known as a task-farm. The individual job are known as job-steps.

The following is an example of processing 480 such jobs using 48 cores from one node. The scripting use two scripts, the master script and the worker script. The master script requests the resources (number of cores, job time, ...) and then registers 200 copies of the worker script with SLURM using the command srun. The worker script is a modification of the basic script for I/O intensive jobs described above.

In our example, this will then start forty jobs on the fourty cores you requested. Once a job has finished, it will take an unprocessed job and place it on the now idle core for processing. This will continue until all jobs are processed. The ordering of the jobs can not be relied on.

For our example, the entire setup assumes the submission directory has 200 sub-directories, named job_0, job_1, job_2, …, job_199. Each of the directories contains the input data and the program executable to be run.


  • Keep the number of jobs-steps at a reasonable level. Recent testing by the LUNARC support team has shown that when including a sleep statement inside the do loop the setup can be used to process 800 jobs.
  • Make sure to spawn worker tasks from a unique master script running within a unique sbatch job submission. Please refrain from using sbatch or sbatch --array to spawn each worker's tasks as an individual job.

The master script

The master script describes the resources required and registers, once running the worker tasks with SLURM. In most cases modifying the number of nodes needed, the total job time and the number of jobs to be processed should be all that is required.

The following example will be using 20 cores on 1 node to process 200 jobs.

# requesting the number of nodes needed
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=48
# job time, change for what your job farm requires
#SBATCH -t 20:00:00
# job name and output file names
#SBATCH -J jobFarm
#SBATCH -o res_jobFarm_%j.out
#SBATCH -e res_jobFarm_%j.out
cat $0

# set the number of jobs - change for your requirements
export NB_of_jobs=480

# Loop over the job number

for ((i=0; i<$NB_of_jobs; i++))
    srun -Q --exclusive --overlap -n 1 -N 1 $i &> worker_${SLURM_JOB_ID}_${i} &
    sleep 1

# keep the wait statement, it is important!


The script assumes that the job is described in a script file, which takes a single number identifying the job directory to be accessed as a command line argument. Please note the “sleep 1” command inside the do loop. In our testing this greatly enhances the stability by submitting the actual jobs over a longer period of time. With this statement included the script was able to successfully handle up to about 800 outstanding jobs on 16 and 32 cores of our earlier Alarik system. For reasons of job reliability, we, therefore, recommend not to process more than 800 jobs in a single script. However, it is possible to process significantly larger job numbers than 800 by carefully tuning sleep-time and core count to the average job time.


When using srun inside a batch script many srun-options act differently compared to using srun within a different environment. Note also that even the order of the options --exclusive and --overlap is crucial for the correct behaviour. Consult the man-page of srun for documentation and contact the LUNARC help desk if you require further consultancy.

If you need more than the default 3100 MB memory per core, you have to specify both --ntasks-per-node and --mem-per-cpu. Please match the core count and the memory per core to best utilise the resources of a node, which has a total of 240000 MB of memory available for jobs.

The worker script

This outlines the worker script. Compared to the script describing a basic script for I/O intensive jobs, a few modifications are required:

  • To avoid access conflicts between the individual jobs, each job creates a job private sub-directory on the node local disk.

  • The input file(s) are expected in the sub_directories job_0, job_1, job_2, … of the submission directory. The resulting file(s) will also be placed in these directories.

  • The example assumes a single input file and a single result file. If you have multiple input and/or result files modifications are needed, as are modifications for the actual names of your file.

  • The present setup allows for different executables for each job stop. The script assumes to find an executable named “processor” in the same location as the input file(s). If all job steps use the same executable the scripts can be simplified.

  • Once a job step has finished and the result file has been copied back, the job private sub-directory on the node local disk is removed to prevent the disc from overflowing.

If you are using the above master script, the script should be named

# document this script to stdout (assumes redirection from caller)
cat $0

# receive my worker number
export WRK_NB=$1

# create worker-private subdirectory in $SNIC_TMP
mkdir $WRK_DIR

# create a variable to address the "job directory"

# now copy the input data and program from there


cp -p input.dat processor $WRK_DIR

# change to the execution directory


# run the program


# rescue the results back to job directory

cp -p result.dat ${JOB_DIR}

# clean up the local disk and remove the worker-private directory


rm -rf WRK_${WRK_NB}

Monitoring the progress of your multi-job submission

Using the -s option of sbatch you can monitor the progression of the individual job steps of your multi-job submission. Please keep in mind, that the step number SLURM assigns to your job and the one you assign typically differs from the loop index used in the master script.

Below is an output from squeue when running a script processing 500 jobs on 32 cores. The jobid of the job is 8070. The output shows the job steps the script is presently processing.

[fred@aurora MultiSerialTest]$ squeue -j 8070 -s
8070.130 small_ex snic fred 2:09 an074
8070.133 small_ex snic fred 2:02 an073
8070.135 small_ex snic fred 1:55 an074
8070.136 small_ex snic fred 1:41 an073
8070.139 small_ex snic fred 1:41 an073
8070.140 small_ex snic fred 1:41 an073
8070.143 small_ex snic fred 1:41 an073
8070.144 small_ex snic fred 1:41 an074
8070.147 small_ex snic fred 1:41 an074
8070.148 small_ex snic fred 1:41 an074
8070.151 small_ex snic fred 1:41 an074
8070.155 small_ex snic fred 1:38 an074
8070.156 small_ex snic fred 1:35 an074
8070.157 small_ex snic fred 1:34 an073
8070.158 small_ex snic fred 1:34 an073
8070.159 small_ex snic fred 1:34 an073
8070.161 small_ex snic fred 1:34 an073
8070.164 small_ex snic fred 1:33 an074
8070.165 small_ex snic fred 1:33 an074
8070.168 small_ex snic fred 1:32 an073
8070.170 small_ex snic fred 1:26 an073
8070.171 small_ex snic fred 1:12 an073
8070.172 small_ex snic fred 1:12 an073
8070.175 small_ex snic fred 1:11 an074
8070.176 small_ex snic fred 1:11 an074
8070.179 small_ex snic fred 1:11 an074
8070.184 small_ex snic fred 1:04 an074
8070.185 small_ex snic fred 0:42 an073
8070.190 small_ex snic fred 0:35 an073
8070.193 small_ex snic fred 0:35 an074
8070.194 small_ex snic fred 0:13 an073
8070.195 small_ex snic fred 0:13 an074

Author: (LUNARC)

Last Updated: 2023-01-31