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Controlling and monitoring jobs

Submitting with sbatch

One uses the command sbatch to submit a job script to the batch system for execution. SLURM will reply with the jobid number. The job will then be held in the queue until the requested resources become available. A typical use case looks as follows:

[fred@aurora MPItest]$ sbatch
Submitted batch job 7197

User fred submitted the script to the job queue and got the jobid 7197 assigned to it.

Starting executables within SLURM with srun

The command srun allows starting executables in a way managed by SLURM. This is particularly effective if you want to process a large number of jobs within a single submission to the batch system. A use case of srun to start many serial jobs in a single multicore submission scipt is discussed in the example section below.

Monitoring jobs

The best overview of the queue is obtained with the command jobinfo. It sorts jobs in the queue into running and waiting jobs. It also shows additional information, such as how long running jobs have left and in some cases when waiting jobs are expected to start. It can take some of the options available to the command squeue to filter the output, such as -u myid to only show jobs of user myid, -A lu2022-x-xx to only show jobs belonging to project lu2022-x-xx, and -p lu48 to only show jobs using or waiting for nodes in the lu48 partition.

jobinfo is a script that uses the command squeue, which can, of course, also be used directly to show you the current state of the job queue. It is less convenient but more configurable. The standard output, created by calling `squeue without any options looks as follows:

7303 snic hybrid_n fred PD 0:00 32 (Priority)
7302 snic hybrid_n fred PD 0:00 32 (Priority)
7301 snic hybrid_n fred PD 0:00 32 (Resources)
7304 snic preproce karl PD 0:00 6 (Priority)
7300 snic hybrid_n fred R 0:24 32 an[001-032]
7305 snic preproce karl R 0:37 6 an[081-086]
7306 snic hybrid_n fred R 0:37 6 an[081-086]
7307 snic testsimu sven R 0:07 1 an081

The first column gives the jobid, the third the job names, followed by the userid. The column labeled “ST” gives the job state. The most important states are:

Symbol Meaning
R running
PD pending, awaiting resources
CG completing

The state column is followed by the time used by the job and the number of nodes utilised by the job. For running jobs the last column gives the names of the nodes utilised or if the job is waiting a reason why it is not executing.

The squeue command is highly configurable, as mentioned above. Useful options include -u myid, which lists all jobs of the user myid and also the --start option. The latter gives the current estimate of when SLURM expects the job to start. Note, that this can shift in either direction, depending on e.g. jobs finishing earlier than specified or jobs with higher priority getting added to the job queue.

Terminating jobs with scancel

It is frequently required to remove jobs from the queue. This might be that you discover a problem in your job specification or intermediate results of running a job indicating that something went wrong. Use scancel to remove a job from the job queue. To do so you need the jobid, which can be queried with the jobinfo or squeue command. To remove the job with the jobid 7103 from the job queue type

scancel 7103

Author: (LUNARC)

Last Updated: 2022-10-05