SFTP is a secure data transfer protocol provided by the SSH software. The protocol is very similar to FTP and uses many of the commands provided by an FTP server.
Logging into an SFTP server
Login is accomplished by using the sftp command-line client, providing a username and a hostname as shown in the following example.
sftp bmjl@cosmos.lunarc.lu.se
Enter your Pocket Pass OTP: 207151
Connected to bmjl@cosmos.lunarc.lu.se.
sftp> is a prompt where commands can be entered initiating data transfers, listing files or creating directories.
Use the Pocket Pass app on your smartphone to obtain the Pocket Pass OTP.
Listing remote files
Files on the remote server can be listed using the ls command as shown in the following example:
sftp> ls
imb imb_test
mpibench-1.1.tar.gz mpibench-1.2
skampi skampi-5.0.4-r0355
Listing files on the local computer
Listing files on the local computer is done using the lls command as shown in the following example:
sftp> lls
Desktop Pictures
Development Public
Documents PyQt-mac-gpl-4.8.5
Downloads PyQt-mac-gpl-4.8.5.tar.gz
Dropbox QtSDK
Library sw_local_sbin.tar.gz
Movies usercert.p12
Changing remote directory
Change working directory on the remote server is done using the cd command:
Changing working directory locally
Changing the working directory on the local computer is done using the lcd command:
Transferring local file to remote server
A transfer to the remote server of a single file is done using the put commmand. put takes a single argument with a file in the current working directory to transfer (put) to the remote server as shown in the following example:
sftp> put PyQt-mac-gpl-4.8.5.tar.gz
Uploading PyQt-mac-gpl-4.8.5.tar.gz to /home/bmjl/openmpi/PyQt-mac-gpl-4.8.5.tar.gz
PyQt-mac-gpl-4.8.5.tar.gz 27% 2592KB 918.4KB/s 00:07 ET
sftp> ls
PyQt-mac-gpl-4.8.5.tar.gz imb
imb_test mpibench-1.1.tar.gz
mpibench-1.2 skampi
skampi-5.0.4-r0355 skampi-5.0.4-r0355.tar.gz
Transferring a remote file to local computer
A file on the remote server is retrieved using the get command with the filename of the remote file. If no path is given the file is retrieved from the current working directory on the remote server. A remote path can also be prefixed on the filename.
sftp> get mpibench-1.1.tar.gz
Fetching /home/bmjl/openmpi/mpibench-1.1.tar.gz to mpibench-1.1.tar.gz
/home/bmjl/openmpi/mpibench-1.1 100% 235KB 235.0KB/s 00:01
sftp> lls
Desktop Pictures
Dropbox QtSDK
Library mpibench-1.1.tar.gz
Movies sw_local_sbin.tar.gz
Music usercert.p1
Transferring multiple local files
To transfer multiple local files the mput command is used. This commmand takes a wild card pattern for selecting the files to transfer as shown in the following example:
sftp> mput *.txt
Uploading Changelog.txt to /home/bmjl/openmpi/Changelog.txt
Changelog.txt 100% 15KB 15.4KB/s 00:00
Uploading InstallationLog.txt to /home/bmjl/openmpi/InstallationLog.txt
InstallationLog.txt 100% 452KB 90.5KB/s 00:05
Transferring multiple remote files
To retrieve multiple remote files the mget command is used. The files transferred is selected by given a wildcard pattern as shown in the example below:
sftp> mget *.tar.gz
Fetching /home/bmjl/openmpi/mpibench-1.1.tar.gz to mpibench-1.1.tar.gz
/home/bmjl/openmpi/mpibench-1.1 100% 235KB 235.0KB/s 00:01
Fetching /home/bmjl/openmpi/skampi-5.0.4-r0355.tar.gz to skampi-5.0.4-r0355.tar.gz
/home/bmjl/openmpi/skampi-5.0.4 100% 377KB 377.1KB/s 00:00
Available commands in the SFTP client can be listed by using the help command on the sftp> prompt.
Author: (LUNARC)
Last Updated: 2022-10-05